Rinere & Rinere, LLP realizes that large corporations and pharmaceutical companies will continue to produce dangerous products, including drugs. In response to this, our attorneys strive to protect our clients in the face of injuries suffered as a result of the negligence of these companies. From Asbestos exposure and Lead poisoning, to Defective products and Implants, to unsafe medications and drugs, we are here to assist you in your potential claim. Learn more about our defective products knowledge!
Asbestos, a carcinogen, can cause mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other forms of asbestos-related disease. Although the dangers of asbestos have been known since the early 1900s, asbestos manufacturers and suppliers knowingly exposed thousands of workers to the dangers of asbestos, and are now considered negligent. Rinere & Rinere, LLP is one of New York’s leading asbestos attorneys, having successfully handled hundreds of claims of individuals exposed to asbestos on a variety of worksites. If you, a family member, or someone you know has contracted an asbestos-related disease, call us today to protect your legal rights. We would be honored to assist you and there is no fee unless we obtain a recovery on your behalf.
Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder – Talc Litigation
For more than a century, Johnson & Johnson has promoted its Johnson’s Baby Powder as being safe enough for infants. Yet, documents show that the consumer health care giant knew for decades that its talcum powder products posed cancer risks to consumers. Lawsuits allege Johnson & Johnson’s talc is contaminated with asbestos and contributes to the development of ovarian cancer as well as mesothelioma, a rare but deadly form of cancer. Plaintiff’s attorneys have uncovered damning evidence of a decades-long cover-up to conceal the risks. Documents recently came to light showing Johnson & Johnson worried for decades that its baby powder might be laced with small amounts of asbestos, which can occur naturally underground near talc. A company executive in the 1970s warned that Johnson & Johnson’s talc mines might not be free of asbestos. Some of its talc products sometimes contained materials that “might be classified as asbestos powder,” The New York Times reported, quoting an internal company memo. Recent cases have focused on talc’s link to mesothelioma, but many additional cases allege the powder has caused ovarian cancer. If you or a family member have been diagnosed with one of these cancers, we at Rinere & Rinere stand ready to assist you in pursuing your claim against Johnson & Johnson. Contact us today as time may be limited.
RoundUp – Glyphosate
Roundup is the most widely used herbicide in the world, and the second-most used weed killer for home and garden, government and industry, and commerce. It was introduced commercially by Monsanto Company in 1974 and is used by landscapers, farmers, groundskeepers, and commercial gardeners. The primary ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate, a chemical that kills weeds by blocking proteins essential to plant growth. It has been linked to a type of cancer called Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. We are investigating cases involving Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma related to the commercial application of Roundup/glyphosate. Roundup has been linked to the development of cancer in farm workers and employees in garden centers, nurseries, and landscaping. If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, contact us today as time may be limited.
Lead Paint
The manufacturers of lead based paint have known about the dangers of lead paint chips/dust that can be inhaled or ingested by children for many years now. In 1978, all lead based paint was banned from use. To the present day lead paint poisoning has remained a persistent and ongoing problem of epidemic proportions. When ingested by children, it can lead to marked learning disabilities, speech and language problems, cognitive and behavioral problems, and even severe brain damage. If your own child, or that of a relative or friend, has had a positive lead test of 20 or higher, and if you know that the county has inspected the property in which you live for lead based paint violations, then I would urge you to contact the experienced attorneys at Rinere & Rinere, LLP today. Typically we can pursue a claim up until the child’s 21st birthday.